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Jonas Voss

Jonas Voss

Jonas Voss

Jonas Voss

Jonas Voss

Jonas Voss

Jonas Voss

Sne i London

Sne i London

Hov, jeg glemte helt at smide et billede op af sne i London fra tidligere på ugen. Det skal i da ikke snydes for.

Jonas Voss

Jonas Voss

Jonas Voss

Pitching your project is overrated

Pitching your project is overrated

Okay Tham. I'll consider it. I've some millions floating around that I'm not spending anyway, so I might as well throw them after an internet stranger from my spam folder.

Jonas Voss

Heron and Egyptian Geese

Heron and Egyptian Geese

On my commute yesterday morning, I snapped a picture of the neighborhood heron, hanging out with the neighborhood egyptian geese.


Jonas Voss

Stay classy sydøst London

Stay classy sydøst London

Et lokalt supermarked på Deptford High Street

An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍

Jonas Voss