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Jonas Voss

Jeg bliver aldrig træt af at læse artikler om, høre radio/podcasts om, eller se udsendelser om Ruja Ignatova, den forsvundne kryptodronning. DW har lavet en god dokumentar på 50mins penge: Kan anbefales. Ellers kan man kaste sig over BBCs podcast, The Missing Cryptoqueen:

Jonas Voss

Watched "Chair Times" today, a documentary discussing the development of the chair from 1807 until today. From luxury good, to functional object, to an art statement and back to luxury again. Well worth watching Via @kottke

Jonas Voss

No Maps for These Territories (2000)

1 min read

A documentary focusing on the writing and thoughts of William Gibson, about the present, and the future, real or not. Worth a watch, any time.

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Jonas Voss